As a result of the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on commercial enterprise within Australia, the federal government introduced temporary relief for financially distressed companies to assist them to navigate this crisis. Among other things, this…
S19 ASIC Notices
The Australian Securities and Investment commission (“ASIC”) has extensive regulatory, investigative, and enforcement powers, the provision of which are driven by its mission to promote a strong, efficient, and innovative financial system. Its powers are broad…
A new way to restructure your Debt – A small business lifeline
Despite the various Government supports that have been implemented since March 2020, Covid-19 has had a devastating impact upon small businesses. Now, more than ever, it is critically important for small businesses to have certainty and…
Now is the time to Restructure
The COVID-19 pandemic has presented enormous challenges for businesses, both big and small. Federal and State Governments have tried to meet those challenges through the introduction of various stimulus packages aimed at assisting businesses that are…
Queensland Implementation of the Commercial Leasing Code of Conduct
Queensland have legislated the laws for the Queensland Commercial Leasing Code of Conduct for the Covid – 19 period. We have previously notified you regarding the National Mandatory Code of Conduct, which was released by the…