Since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic in early 2020 measures were introduced to allow for the electronic execution of documents. On 23 February 2022 these measures were made permanent following the Corporations Amendment (Meetings and…
Bankruptcy Trustees: Supreme Court of Queensland says it will not be bound by decision in Bosanac
We recently acted for a trustee in bankruptcy in proceedings before the Supreme Court of Queensland in a matter concerning the doctrine of the presumption of advancement. The principal matter in dispute was whether the presumption…
ATO Recovery/Enforcement Action: Beginning of the End?
Over 18 months have passed since the COVID Pandemic caused a significant change in the enforcement policy within the ATO’s debt/tax recovery teams. While initially this policy was (at least in part) mandated by the Federal…
Dude, Where’s My Car (’s Statutory Warranty)
Buying a used car can be a stressful experience as there is an inbuilt asymmetry of knowledge between the buyer and the seller of the used car. The buyer cannot know from an external inspection of…
Licence Please?
Consumers seeking the services of debt management firms are often at their most vulnerable and experiencing significant financial hardship. Unfortunately, there is now substantial evidence from a range of industry stakeholders, including consumer advocates, industry ombudsman,…