If you have received a claim for a progress payment from a party who is (or claims to be) entitled to a progress payment under a construction contract (i.e. a contract, agreement, or other arrangement, under…
How do I end my bankruptcy early without paying all of my debts in full?
When a person becomes a bankrupt, ordinarily they will be discharged at the end of the period that is 3 years from the date that they filed their statement of affairs with the Australian Financial Security…
Director Penalty Notices – The hidden personal liability in directing a corporation
Directors of Australian corporations might think that they assume no personal liability for the financial shortcomings of their company. After all, one of the advantages to setting up a corporation is that it becomes an entirely…
Directors Beware!
In an effort to deal with the unprecedented disruption caused to businesses by the onset of the COVID pandemic, many (well publicised) measures were implemented by both State and Federal Governments to assist businesses survive, and…
To Litigate or not to Litigate – That is the Question
One of the first questions many people with a legal dispute ask is whether they should commence legal proceedings. This is particularly the case for owners of small to medium businesses who must commence litigation to…