Our Brisbane and Gold Coast commercial litigation team are experienced in all aspects of Government.
We understand the potential impacts of regulatory and enforcement actions and represent clients who find themselves the subject of licensing investigations, administrative appeals to the Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT) or the Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal (QCAT). We also act for clients who have been charged with criminal offences by regulatory bodies.
Brisbane: 07 3211 2922 | Gold Coast: 07 5574 0011 | Sydney: 1300 767 354
Administrative Appeals
Our firm also has experience acting on behalf of individuals and companies appealing regulatory and administrative decisions to the Administrative Appeals Tribunal and assisting clients with all aspects of the administrative review process including at contested hearings and any subsequent Federal Court proceedings.
ASIC Investigations
The Australian Securities and Investment Commission (ASIC) serves as Australia’s principal regulator for corporate and financial services sectors, tasked with ensuring market integrity and consumer protection. Operating under the Australian Securities and Investments Commission Act 2001 (ASIC Act), ASIC is empowered to oversee companies, financial services organisations, and professionals, ensuring compliance with legal standards. ASIC...
Rose Litigation Lawyers is experienced in all aspects of complex commercial litigation on behalf of various Government bodies, departments and agencies. Our firm is available to assist all Government departments and Government Owned Corporations.
Regulatory Investigations & Licencing
Whether you are a company or an individual, Government bodies in either the Federal or State jurisdiction can issue notices to produce documentation, show causes notices or enforcement notices. Government and other regulatory bodies can also conduct investigations and/or prosecutions in respect of various conduct. Some regulatory investigations and disputes that our firm regularly handle...
Taxation Disputes
Our team regularly assist clients in dispute with the Australian Taxation Office (“ATO”) and the Office of State Revenue (“OSR”) in relation to tax liabilities and other penalties arising under the Taxation Administration Act and the Income Tax Assessment Act. We have proven experience in advising our clients in relation to their taxation liabilities and...