Building Contract Lawyers Brisbane & Gold Coast
Our Brisbane and Gold Coast commercial litigation team are experienced in all aspects of Contract Preparation & Risk Management.
Getting your building and construction contract right from the outset is a crucial step to minimise disputes and place you in the best position should a dispute arise. Your contract review must be rigorous and thorough. Our team has significant experience in drafting and advising on construction contracts.
We know the terms and provisions that must be included in your construction contract to protect your interests. We know how to negotiate the best terms to ensure you are paid on time and that disputes arising under the contract can be determined fast and fair to enable the parties to complete the project with minimum disruption. We know how to reduce risks and reduce costs for all parties, including subcontractors and property developers.
Building and construction contracts are legally binding agreements. Most importantly, they are crafted in accordance with building and construction laws depending on the Australian state you are in and are designed to clarify your rights throughout the building process.
Commercial construction contracts are crucial documents when a dispute arises and as such, should only be drafted by a lawyer with specialist building contract knowledge. In such a fast-paced industry, when things go wrong or a building dispute becomes apparent, your construction contract is the main document you (and an Adjudicator or Court) will refer to and should clearly set out your rights.
Building and construction contracts are rarely similar and depending on the size of the companies and projects involved, it takes an experienced construction specialist to conduct a thorough construction contract review to protect you should things go wrong. Each new project and all amendments require the trained eye of a specialist to interpret the real life context of the building and construction project.
Brisbane: 07 3211 2922 | Gold Coast: 07 5574 0011 | Sydney: 1300 767 354
This review process:
- Identifies clauses that need to be amended to protect your interests;
- Explains to you the critical clauses in a language that is easily understood;
- Checks the parties involved to identify any possible issues;
- Demystifies complicated subcontracts that may contain what look like standard terms, but which may have hidden risks; and
- Provides industry advice in a tailored fashion to suit your needs.
Our construction contract lawyers in Brisbane and the Gold Coast regularly traverse lengthy building and construction contracts and have acted in several contract review matters regarding building and construction contracts. Our construction contract review experience assists greatly in knowing the risks that can be posed in building construction contracts. Accordingly, one of our specialist building contract lawyers offering expert construction contract advice can provide up-to-date industry knowledge and take all necessary steps to reduce those risks to our clients.
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Speak with our team of experienced litigation lawyers on the Gold Coast or in Brisbane to gain clarity and guidance on your next steps.
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Brisbane: 07 3211 2922 | Gold Coast: 07 5574 0011 | Sydney: 1300 767 354